About this blog

Hmmm, well, I began this blog in 2007 after finishing my IT contract with Sara Lee.  I had no work and I loved scrapbooking/card making, so this was a perfect platform to learn blogging/html and record any 'crafty' projects I had done.  This way, too, I could play along with all the sketch challenge blogs I had been reading.

Well, that lasted about 4 months and then I was called back to work in 2008.  I tinkered around some, but didn't really have the time to blog.  While I only worked until the end of the year, it was not until 2010 that I really started working on my blog again.

This is not a blog with one specific purpose any more (pretty much a no-no for a blog).  Many things have changed: I stopped working completly, we got a dog, I am now a 'couponer' - trying to live more frugally, my hubby and I volunteer in the jails here, and the list goes on. 

This is now just a place to share the different paths I follow in my life - good for me to reflect and fun to share with others!